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29 November 528 Earthquake

Sources of Earthquake Records:

Malalas: in Antioch, duration one hour, terrible rumbling, all buildings which were rebuilt fell down, as well as the city wall and some churches. Damage to other cities near Antioch, with 5.000 casualties. In the same year, Laodicia had the first earthquake, where its half was destroyed with 7.500 casualties, the synagogue fell down but the church did not.

John of Ephesus: A terrible earthquake with rumbling, ... as Malalas as well as the city gate fell down. The Big Church fell down and all the surviving houses and churches from the previous earthquake fell down except few numbers of buildings, villages in the vicinity 10 miles were destroyed. Seleucea and Dafneh did not affect. Surviving citizens of Antioch ran away to the open. In the 529 Laodicia was completely destroyed from the gate of Antioch to the Ghetto, but the left zone east of the church of S. Mother of God did not fall down, there were 7.500 casualties without a fire.

Evagrius Scholasticus: The earthquake split Antioch.

Theophanes: A strong earthquake lasted for one hour with terrible sound such as a bull’s sound, all the constructions, the city wall and old constructions which survived from the previous earthquake fell down, there were 4.870 casualties.

Georgius Monachus: One hour duration, sound, the area 5 miles around Antioch fell down.

Leo Grammaticus: An earthquake at Antioch. 

Georgius Cedrenus: A large earthquake lasted for one-hour duration, there was a terrible sound, all constructions were destroyed with 4.870 buried casualties, emigration of survivors.

Chronicle of 1234: There was a severe earthquake, followed by a sound from the sky like thunder and a sound from the earth like a bull’s sound. City walls, churches and the surviving constructions from the previous earthquake were destroyed as well as the vicinity villages, there were 2.740 casualties.

Nicephorus Callistus: A severe earthquake at Antioch.

Saadeh: 529 January 2, a violent earthquake occurred in Lattakia, causing destruction of its large part and killing 7.500 people.

Seismological compilations:

Guidoboni et al.: 528 November 28, Antioch and LattakiaI, an earthquake struck Antioch destroying both the new buildings put up after the previous one (526), and those old buildings which had survived it, victims number was few thousands. Antioch suffered from an earthquake collapsing the new buildings, walls and some of churches, from one side and killing up to 5.000 lives (Malalas). Laodicea suffered its first earthquake disaster by destroying its half and 7.500 deaths (Malalas). Antioch was subjected to a violent earthquake causing all the buildings and walls to collapse (Theophanes).

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