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November 1114 Earthquake

1114 November (Two earthquakes could have happened; one at Maraash and other at Orfa).

Sources of the Earthquake:

Ibn Al-Jawzi: In the year 508 A.H., the night of 18 Jamada II Sunday (1114 November 19), an earthquake occurred, causing collapse of 13 towerers of Al-Ruha Wall, a part of Harran Wall fell down and many houses collapsed on their inhabitants, Samasat was swallowed up, 100 houses and half of the citadel collapsed at Balis.

Ibn Al-Athir: In this year (508 A.H.) in Jamada (November 2-30), there was a strong earthquake in Al-Jazira area, Al-Sham and others, causing a wide destruction at Al-Ruha, Harran, Samsat, Balis and others, and many people killed under debris. 

Al-Dawadari: In this year (508 A.H.), there was an earthquake at Aleppo. Samsat and Marash were swallowed up and many people killed.

Ibn Kathir: In this year (508 A.H.) (1114 January 7-1115 May 26), there was a great earthquake in Al-Jazira, causing destruction of 13 towers and many houses in Al-Ruha and some houses in Khurasan (?) and many houses in many countries where many of its inhabitants were killed about 100.000 victims, and half of Harran castle was collapsed, Samsat was swallowed up and many people were killed under debris.

Parametric catalogues:

Plassard and Kogoj (1981): 1114 August 10 and November 13, in Lebanon, there were two earthquakes, causing destruction in Cilicia with tsunami and damage in Antioch (Al-Suyuti; Sempad).

Ben-Menahem (1979): 1114 August 10, destruction of Antioch. It was accompanied by a tsunami. It was strongly felt in Palestine, Jerusalem. (MM=IV) (Amiran;Plassard and Kogoj; Sieberg).

Ergin et al. (1967): Antioch was felt by then first event. The epicenter of the second one was between Urfa and Harran, the walls of Edessa city were ruined. Samsat, Marash, Antioch and Harran were felt.

Ben-Menahem (1979): 1115 December 25, 37.0N, 38.9E, Urfa-Harran, Taurus mountains, 7.5, Jerusalem. It was strong in
Syria. Walls of Edessa destroyed (Amiran; Ergin et al.; Sieberg; Willis).

Seismological compilations:

Sieberg (1932): In 1114 August 10, a vast destructive earthquake started from southwest of Asia Minor through Cillicia and Cyprus to Egypt. There was large destruction in Antioch and minor damage in Aleppo. In 1114 November 13, repeating what happened in August in the same regions with the same damage.

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